Firstly there was this sewadar training..It started out first with an interesting personality test.. then the setting up of the programmes for the samelan, and at last there was an excellent talk given by Sardar Hari Singh. He gave an talk about gurbani...

- The girls Busy doing the Personality Test-
- Sardar Hari Singh giving talk-
We also completed the painting job that we did the whole week on that day, we painted most of the parts in Sabha House and the Darbar Sahib was very very very beautiful compared to the old 1... We all painted the Darbar Sahib,put new curtains, painted the palki,buy new lights,put new carpets and many more.. Everyone was telling that the Sabha Darbar looked like the Subang Darbar...
On Sunday was also the lauch of Path Mala in Sabha House itself.. For the first time Sabha House was pack n lively...many people came to support it.... first it started of with rehrass, then Professer Manohar Singh and his students did kirtan. they were excelent. not only that The most famous elderly lady in Sabha House, Auntie Sam also did kirtan... it was nice...
Then Master Pritam gave a short speech about Path Mala and the programme was ended of with Veer Raja(Harcharan Singh).. who wacked the market with his top form Simran... the lights were off n everyone was singing along.. it was havoc... Everyone enjoyed the simran..
- The newly painted Palki Sahib in Sabha House-
- The top view of Sabha Darbar-
- Auntie Sam doing kirtan, Havoc-
-The Sanggat-
- Raja Doin Simran-
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