It is with great pleasure that Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia invites you to the 43rd Annual Gurmat Pachaar Samelan 2006, From the 17th to the 23rd December 2006. Which will be held at Sek. Men. Teknik Port Dickson, KM5, Jalan Seremban, 71000 Port Dickson, N. Sembilan, Malaysia.
Both participant and sewadar Samelan application forms will be available at your local gurdwara and area rep's. Online forms will be available for download 24/7 at the Sabha website. Please pay special attention to the closing date which is on the 4th December 2006. Kindly take note that there is a penalty for late applications. We encourage participants to apply early. Application forms may be photocopied as necessary.
Please make sure that all applications forms are filled-out completely along with a photocopy of the Identification Card enclosed. Incomplete forms will not be entertained.
The primary objectives of Samelan 2006 are:
- To instill into our Naujawan the Knowledge, understanding and values of Sikhi.
- To help them develop leadership qualities and positive values.
- To nuture and develop a generation of Naujawans who are educated, dynamic, skilled, disciplined and imbued with leadership qualities and high moral values.
- To impress upon them the love & respect for Gurbani, parents, elders and the Panth.
The Samelan will be held over a period of 7 days, attended by approxmately 1,000 Naujawans and 300 sewadars, from all over the country as well as from the U.S., Europe, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and India.
The sabha will be incurring an approxiamate cost of RM150,000.00 and only a fraction of the amount is received from participant's fee. As the sabha is entirely a voluntary and non-porfit organization, we humbly urge you to donate generously to this noble cause.
You can download the "Sponsor a Meal" form for Samelan 2006 and the participation and sewadar application forms from the Sabha Website.
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